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Base API

Base endpoint for pull zones, video libraries, storage zones, billing, support, and more.
Everything that can be done with the control panel can also be achieved with the API.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ToshY\BunnyNet\BaseAPI;
use ToshY\BunnyNet\Client\BunnyClient;

// Create a BunnyClient using any HTTP client implementing "Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface".
$bunnyClient = new BunnyClient(
    client: new \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client(),

// Provide the API key available at the "Account Settings > API" section.
$baseApi = new BaseAPI(
    apiKey: '2cebf4f8-4bff-429f-86f6-bce2c2163d7e89fb0a86-a1b2-463c-a142-11eba8811989',
    client: $bunnyClient,


Abuse Case

List Abuse Cases

    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 1000,

Get DMCA Case

    id: 1,


  • This endpoint currently returns a 401 status code.

Get Abuse Case

    id: 1,


  • This endpoint currently returns a 401 status code.

Resolve DMCA Case

    id: 1,

Resolve Abuse Case

    id: 1,

Check Abuse Case

    id: 1,


List Countries


API Keys

List API Keys

    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 1000,


  • This endpoint currently returns a 500 status code with the following response:
    {"Message":"Authorization has been denied for this request."}


Get Billing Details


Configure Auto Recharge

    body: [
        'AutoRechargeEnabled' => true,
        'PaymentMethodToken' => 1000,
        'PaymentAmount' => 10,
        'RechargeTreshold' => 2,


  • The key RechargeTreshold (misspelled) has a value range of 2-2000.
  • The key PaymentAmount has a value range of 10-2000.

Create Payment Checkout

    body: [
        'RechargeAmount' => 10,
        'PaymentAmount' => 10,
        'PaymentRequestId' => 123456,
        'Nonce' => 'ab',


  • The key PaymentAmount has a value range of 10-2000.

Prepare Payment Authorization


Get Affiliate Details


Claim Affiliate Credits


Get The Coinify Bitcoin exchange rate


Create Coinify payment

    query: [
        'amount' => 123,

Get Billing Summary


Get Billing Summary PDF

    billingRecordId: 1,

Apply Promo Code

    query: [
        'CouponCode' => 'YOUFOUNDME',


List Compute Scripts

    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 1000,

Add Compute Script

    body: [
        'Name' => 'Test',
        'ScriptType' => 1000,


  • The key ScriptType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = CDN
    • 1 = DNS

Get Compute Script

    id: 1,

Update Compute Script

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Name' => 'Test',
        'ScriptType' => 1000,


  • The key ScriptType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = CDN
    • 1 = DNS

Delete Compute Script

    id: 1,

Get Compute Script Code

    id: 1,

Update Compute Script Code

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Code' => "export default function handleQuery(event) {\n    console.log(\"Hello world!\")\n    return new TxtRecord(\"Hello world!\");\n}",

List Compute Script Releases

    id: 1,
    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 1000,

Publish Compute Script

    id: 1,
    query: [
        'uuid' => '173d4dfc-a8dd-42f5-a55c-cba765c75aa5',
    body: [
        'Note' => 'Initial release',

Publish Compute Script (by path parameter)

    id: 1,
    uuid: '173d4dfc-a8dd-42f5-a55c-cba765c75aa5',
    body: [
        'Note' => 'Initial release',

Add Compute Script Variable

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Name' => 'New Variable',
        'Required' => true,
        'DefaultValue' => 'Hello World',

Update Compute Script Variable

    id: 1,
    variableId: 2,
    body: [
        'DefaultValue' => 'Hello World the Sequel',
        'Required' => false,

Get Compute Script Variable

    id: 1,
    variableId: 2,

Delete Compute Script Variable

    id: 1,
    variableId: 2,


List Tickets

    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 1000,

Get Ticket Details

    id: 1,

Close Ticket

    id: 1,

Reply Ticket

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Message' => 'Hope you are having a nice day!\n\nThe weather is nice outside.',
        'Attachments' => [
                'Body' => 'aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==',
                'FileName' => 'details.txt',
                'ContentType' => 'text/plain',


  • The key Body requires its contents to be base64 encoded.

Create Ticket

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Subject' => 'Good day!',
        'LinkedPullZone' => 1,
        'Message' => 'Hope you are having a nice day!\n\nThe weather is nice outside.',
        'LinkedStorageZone' => 2,
        'Attachments' => [
                'Body' => 'aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==',
                'FileName' => 'details.txt',
                'ContentType' => 'text/plain',


  • The keys LinkedPullZone and LinkedStorageZone are not required unlike stated in the API specifications.
  • The key Body requires its contents to be base64 encoded.

DRM Certificate

List DRM Certificates

    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 1000,


  • This endpoint currently returns a 500 status code with the following response:
    {"Message":"An error has occurred."}
    A support ticket has been created at regarding this issue.


List Regions


Stream Video Library

List Video Libraries

    query: [
        'page' => 0,
        'perPage' => 1000,
        'search' => 'bunny',
        'includeAccessKey' => false,


  • The key search is currently not functional.

Add Video Library

    body: [
        'Name' => 'New Video Library',
        'ReplicationRegions' => [


  • The key ReplicationRegions has the following possible values:
    • UK = London (United Kingdom)
    • SE = Norway (Stockholm)
    • NY = New York (United States East)
    • LA = Los Angeles (United States West)
    • SG = Singapore (Singapore)
    • SYD = Sydney (Oceania)
    • BR = Sao Paulo (Brazil)
    • JH = Johannesburg (Africa)

Get Video Library

    id: 1,
    query: [
        'includeAccessKey' => false,

Update Video Library

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Name' => 'New Video Library V2',
        'CustomHTML' => '<style>.plyr--full-ui input[type=range]{color: purple}</style>',
        'PlayerKeyColor' => '6a329f',
        'EnableTokenAuthentication' => true,
        'EnableTokenIPVerification' => false,
        'ResetToken' => false,
        'WatermarkPositionLeft' => 0,
        'WatermarkPositionTop' => 0,
        'WatermarkWidth' => 0,
        'WatermarkHeight' => 0,
        'EnabledResolutions' => '720p,1080p,1440p,2160p',
        'ViAiPublisherId' => '',
        'VastTagUrl' => '',
        'WebhookUrl' => '',
        'CaptionsFontSize' => 20,
        'CaptionsFontColor' => 'white',
        'CaptionsBackground' => 'black',
        'UILanguage' => 'GR',
        'AllowEarlyPlay' => true,
        'PlayerTokenAuthenticationEnabled' => true,
        'BlockNoneReferrer' => true,
        'EnableMP4Fallback' => true,
        'KeepOriginalFiles' => true,
        'AllowDirectPlay' => true,
        'EnableDRM' => false,
        'Controls' => 'play,progress,current-time,mute,volume,pip,fullscreen',
        'Bitrate240p' => 600,
        'Bitrate360p' => 800,
        'Bitrate480p' => 1400,
        'Bitrate720p' => 2800,
        'Bitrate1080p' => 5000,
        'Bitrate1440p' => 8000,
        'Bitrate2160p' => 25000,
        'ShowHeatmap' => false,
        'EnableContentTagging' => true,
        'FontFamily' => 'Arial',
        'EnableTranscribing' => false,
        'EnableTranscribingTitleGeneration' => false,
        'EnableTranscribingDescriptionGeneration' => false,
        'TranscribingCaptionLanguages' => [],


  • The key EnabledResolutions has the following possible values (comma separated):
    • 240p
    • 360p
    • 480p
    • 720p
    • 1080p
    • 1440p
    • 2160p
  • The key Controls has the following possible values (comma separated):
    • play-large
    • play
    • progress
    • current-time
    • mute
    • volume
    • captions
    • settings
    • pip
    • airplay
    • fullscreen
  • To get a full list of possible value options for key TranscribingCaptionLanguages, see the Get Languages endpoint.

Delete Video Library

    id: 1,

Get Languages


Reset Password

    query: [
        'id' => 1,

Reset Password (by path parameter)

    id: 1,

Add Watermark

    id: 1,

Delete Watermark

    id: 1,

Add Allowed Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '*,*',


  • The key Hostname allows multiple values through comma separated values.

Remove Allowed Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '*',


  • The key Hostname does not allow multiple values.

Add Blocked Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '',


  • The key Hostname does not allow multiple values.

Remove Blocked Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '',


  • The key Hostname does not allow multiple values.

DNS Zone

List DNS Zones

    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 1000,
        'search' => '',


  • The key search can be used to filter on Id or Domain. A search value with an Id value will perform an exact match, whereas a search value with a Domain will perform a wildcard search: bunny, nny and .net will all match the DNS zone for

Add DNS Zone

    body: [
        'Domain' => '',

Get DNS Zone

    id: 1,

Update DNS Zone

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'CustomNameserversEnabled' => true,
        'Nameserver1' => '',
        'Nameserver2' => '',
        'SoaEmail' => '',
        'LoggingEnabled' => true,
        'LogAnonymizationType' => true,
        'LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled' => true,


  • The key LogAnonymizationType has the following possible values (undocumented):
    • 0 = Remove one octet
    • 1 = Drop IP
  • In order to disable LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled you first need to agree to the DPA agreement (GDPR).

Delete DNS Zone

    id: 1,

Export DNS Zone

    id: 1,

Get DNS Query Statistics

    id: 1,
    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',

Check DNS Zone Availability

    body: [
        'Name' => '',

Add DNS Record

    zoneId: 1,
    body: [
        'Type' => 3,
        'Ttl' => 15,
        'Value' => 'My TXT Value',
        'Name' => '',
        'Weight' => 0,
        'Priority' => 0,
        'Flags' => 0,
        'Tag' => '',
        'Port' => 0,
        'PullZoneId' => 0,
        'ScriptId' => 0,
        'Accelerated' => false,
        'MonitorType' => 0,
        'GeolocationLatitude' => 0,
        'GeolocationLongitude' => 0,
        'LatencyZone' => null,
        'SmartRoutingType' => 0,
        'Disabled' => false,
        'EnviromentalVariables' => [
                'Name' => 'Hello',
                'Value' => 'World',
        'Comment' => '',


  • The key EnviromentalVariables is misspelled in the API specifications.
  • The key Type has the following possible values:
    • 0 = A
    • 1 = AAAA
    • 2 = CNAME
    • 3 = TXT
    • 4 = MX
    • 5 = RDR (Redirect)
    • 6 = Flatten
    • 7 = PZ (Pull Zone)
    • 8 = SRV
    • 9 = CAA
    • 10 = PTR
    • 11 = SCR (Script)
    • 12 = NS
  • The key TTL has the following possible values (in seconds):
    • 15
    • 30
    • 60 = 1 minute
    • 120 = 2 minutes
    • 300 = 5 minutes
    • 900 = 15 minutes
    • 1800 = 30 minutes
    • 3600 = 1 hour
    • 18000 = 5 hours
    • 43200 = 12 hours
    • 86400 = 1 day
  • The key ScriptId is not returned in the response.
  • The key MonitorType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = None
    • 1 = Ping
    • 2 = HTTP
    • 3 = Monitor
  • The key SmartRoutingType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = None
    • 1 = Latency
    • 2 = Geolocation

Update DNS Record

    zoneId: 1,
    id: 2,
    body: [
        'Type' => 3,
        'Ttl' => 15,
        'Value' => 'My TXT Value',
        'Name' => '',
        'Weight' => 0,
        'Priority' => 0,
        'Flags' => 0,
        'Tag' => '',
        'Port' => 0,
        'PullZoneId' => 0,
        'ScriptId' => 0,
        'Accelerated' => false,
        'MonitorType' => 0,
        'GeolocationLatitude' => 0,
        'GeolocationLongitude' => 0,
        'LatencyZone' => null,
        'SmartRoutingType' => 0,
        'Disabled' => false,
        'EnviromentalVariables' => [
                'Name' => 'Hello',
                'Value' => 'World',
        'Comment' => '',


  • The key EnviromentalVariables is misspelled in the API specifications.
  • The key Type has the following possible values:
    • 0 = A
    • 1 = AAAA
    • 2 = CNAME
    • 3 = TXT
    • 4 = MX
    • 5 = RDR (Redirect)
    • 6 = Flatten
    • 7 = PZ (Pull Zone)
    • 8 = SRV
    • 9 = CAA
    • 10 = PTR
    • 11 = SCR (Script)
    • 12 = NS
  • The key TTL has the following possible values (in seconds):
    • 15
    • 30
    • 60 = 1 minute
    • 120 = 2 minutes
    • 300 = 5 minutes
    • 900 = 15 minutes
    • 1800 = 30 minutes
    • 3600 = 1 hour
    • 18000 = 5 hours
    • 43200 = 12 hours
    • 86400 = 1 day
  • The key ScriptId is not returned in the response.
  • The key MonitorType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = None
    • 1 = Ping
    • 2 = HTTP
    • 3 = Monitor
  • The key SmartRoutingType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = None
    • 1 = Latency
    • 2 = Geolocation

Delete DNS Record

    zoneId: 1,
    id: 2,

Recheck DNS Configuration

    id: 1,

Dismiss DNS Configuration Notice

    id: 1,

Import DNS Records

 * File contents read into string from the local filesystem.
$content = file_get_contents('./');

 * File contents handle from a `$filesystem` (Flysystem FtpAdapter).
$content = $filesystem->readStream('./');

// Import DNS records.
    zoneId: 1,
    body: $content,

Pull Zone

List Pull Zones

    query: [
        'page' => 0,
        'perPage' => 1000,
        'search' => 'bunny',
        'includeCertificate' => false,


  • The key search is currently not functional.

Add Pull Zone

    body: [
        'OriginUrl' => '',
        'AllowedReferrers' => [],
        'BlockedReferrers' => [],
        'BlockedIps' => [],
        'EnableGeoZoneUS' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneEU' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneASIA' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneSA' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneAF' => true,
        'BlockRootPathAccess' => false,
        'BlockPostRequests' => false,
        'EnableQueryStringOrdering' => true,
        'EnableWebpVary' => false,
        'EnableAvifVary' => false,
        'EnableMobileVary' => false,
        'EnableCountryCodeVary' => false,
        'EnableHostnameVary' => false,
        'EnableCacheSlice' => false,
        'ZoneSecurityEnabled' => false,
        'ZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP' => false,
        'IgnoreQueryStrings' => true,
        'MonthlyBandwidthLimit' => 0,
        'AccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions' => [],
        'EnableAccessControlOriginHeader' => true,
        'DisableCookies' => true,
        'BudgetRedirectedCountries' => [],
        'BlockedCountries' => [],
        'CacheControlMaxAgeOverride' => -1,
        'CacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride' => -1,
        'CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride' => 157784760,
        'AddHostHeader' => false,
        'AddCanonicalHeader' => false,
        'EnableLogging' => true,
        'LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled' => true,
        'PermaCacheStorageZoneId' => 0,
        'AWSSigningEnabled' => false,
        'AWSSigningKey' => null,
        'AWSSigningRegionName' => null,
        'AWSSigningSecret' => null,
        'EnableOriginShield' => false,
        'OriginShieldZoneCode' => 'FR',
        'EnableTLS1' => true,
        'EnableTLS1_1' => true,
        'CacheErrorResponses' => false,
        'VerifyOriginSSL' => false,
        'LogForwardingEnabled' => false,
        'LogForwardingHostname' => null,
        'LogForwardingPort' => 0,
        'LogForwardingToken' => null,
        'LogForwardingProtocol' => 0,
        'LoggingSaveToStorage' => false,
        'LoggingStorageZoneId' => 0,
        'FollowRedirects' => false,
        'ConnectionLimitPerIPCount' => 0,
        'RequestLimit' => 0,
        'LimitRateAfter' => 0,
        'LimitRatePerSecond' => 0,
        'BurstSize' => 0,
        'WAFEnabled' => false,
        'WAFDisabledRuleGroups' => [],
        'WAFDisabledRules' => [],
        'WAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging' => false,
        'WAFRequestHeaderIgnores' => [],
        'ErrorPageEnableCustomCode' => false,
        'ErrorPageCustomCode' => null,
        'ErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget' => false,
        'ErrorPageStatuspageCode' => null,
        'ErrorPageWhitelabel' => false,
        'OptimizerEnabled' => false,
        'OptimizerDesktopMaxWidth' => 1600,
        'OptimizerMobileMaxWidth' => 800,
        'OptimizerImageQuality' => 85,
        'OptimizerMobileImageQuality' => 70,
        'OptimizerEnableWebP' => true,
        'OptimizerEnableManipulationEngine' => true,
        'OptimizerMinifyCSS' => true,
        'OptimizerMinifyJavaScript' => true,
        'OptimizerWatermarkEnabled' => true,
        'OptimizerWatermarkUrl' => '',
        'OptimizerWatermarkPosition' => 0,
        'OptimizerWatermarkOffset' => 3,
        'OptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize' => 300,
        'OptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled' => true,
        'OptimizerClasses' => [],
        'OptimizerForceClasses' => false,
        'Type' => 0,
        'OriginRetries' => 0,
        'OriginConnectTimeout' => 10,
        'OriginResponseTimeout' => 60,
        'UseStaleWhileUpdating' => false,
        'UseStaleWhileOffline' => false,
        'OriginRetry5XXResponses' => false,
        'OriginRetryConnectionTimeout' => true,
        'OriginRetryResponseTimeout' => true,
        'OriginRetryDelay' => 0,
        'DnsOriginPort' => 0,
        'DnsOriginScheme' => '',
        'QueryStringVaryParameters' => [],
        'OriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit' => false,
        'OriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests' => 5000,
        'EnableCookieVary' => false,
        'CookieVaryParameters' => [],
        'EnableSafeHop' => false,
        'OriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime' => 30,
        'UseBackgroundUpdate' => false,
        'OriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests' => 5000,
        'UseBackgroundUpdate' => true,
        'EnableAutoSSL' => false,
        'LogAnonymizationType' => 0,
        'StorageZoneId' => 0,
        'EdgeScriptId' => 0,
        'OriginType' => 0,
        'MagicContainersAppId' => '',
        'LogFormat' => 0,
        'LogForwardingFormat' => 0,
        'ShieldDDosProtectionType' => 1,
        'ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled' => false,
        'OriginHostHeader' => '',
        'EnableSmartCache' => false,
        'EnableRequestCoalescing' => false,
        'RequestCoalescingTimeout' => 30,
        'DisableLetsEncrypt' => false,
        'EnableBunnyImageAi' => false,
        'BunnyAiImageBlueprints' => [],
        'PreloadingScreenEnabled' => false,
        'PreloadingScreenCode' => '',
        'PreloadingScreenLogoUrl' => null,
        'PreloadingScreenTheme' => 0,
        'PreloadingScreenCodeEnabled' => false,
        'PreloadingScreenDelay' => 700,
        'RoutingFilters' => [],
        'Name' => 'New Pull Zone',


  • The key Type has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Premium
    • 1 = Volume
  • The key OriginType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = OriginUrl
    • 1 = DnsAccelerate
    • 2 = StorageZone
    • 3 = LoadBalancer
    • 4 = EdgeScript
    • 5 = MagicContainers
    • 6 = PushZone
  • The key LogFormat has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Plain
    • 1 = JSON
  • The key LogForwardingFormat has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Plain
    • 1 = JSON
  • The key ShieldDDosProtectionType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = DetectOnly
    • 1 = ActiveStandard
    • 2 = ActiveAggressive
  • The key LogAnonymizationType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Remove one octet
    • 1 = Drop IP
  • The key LogForwardingProtocol has the following possible values:
    • 0 = UDP
    • 1 = TCP
    • 2 = TCPEncrypted
    • 3 = DataDog
  • The key OptimizerWatermarkPosition has the following possible values:
    • 0 = BottomLeft
    • 1 = BottomRight
    • 2 = TopLeft
    • 4 = Center
    • 5 = CenterStretch
  • The keys CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride and CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride accept any values in seconds. The UI will show the value Match Server Cache Expiration but the value updated through the API will be honored.
  • The key OriginShieldZoneCode accepts the 2-digit code FR (France, Paris) or IL (Illinois, Chicago).
  • The WAF related settings are not implemented yet. This feature is currently being worked on and does not have an ETA. It is advised not to update these values until the feature is implemented, therefore these options are removed from the example above.

Get Pull Zone

    id: 1,
    query: [
        'includeCertificate' => false,

Update Pull Zone

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'OriginUrl' => '',
        'AllowedReferrers' => [],
        'BlockedReferrers' => [],
        'BlockedIps' => [],
        'EnableGeoZoneUS' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneEU' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneASIA' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneSA' => true,
        'EnableGeoZoneAF' => true,
        'BlockRootPathAccess' => false,
        'BlockPostRequests' => false,
        'EnableQueryStringOrdering' => true,
        'EnableWebpVary' => false,
        'EnableAvifVary' => false,
        'EnableMobileVary' => false,
        'EnableCountryCodeVary' => false,
        'EnableHostnameVary' => false,
        'EnableCacheSlice' => false,
        'ZoneSecurityEnabled' => false,
        'ZoneSecurityIncludeHashRemoteIP' => false,
        'IgnoreQueryStrings' => true,
        'MonthlyBandwidthLimit' => 0,
        'AccessControlOriginHeaderExtensions' => [],
        'EnableAccessControlOriginHeader' => true,
        'DisableCookies' => true,
        'BudgetRedirectedCountries' => [],
        'BlockedCountries' => [],
        'CacheControlMaxAgeOverride' => -1,
        'CacheControlPublicMaxAgeOverride' => -1,
        'CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride' => 157784760,
        'AddHostHeader' => false,
        'AddCanonicalHeader' => false,
        'EnableLogging' => true,
        'LoggingIPAnonymizationEnabled' => true,
        'PermaCacheStorageZoneId' => 0,
        'AWSSigningEnabled' => false,
        'AWSSigningKey' => null,
        'AWSSigningRegionName' => null,
        'AWSSigningSecret' => null,
        'EnableOriginShield' => false,
        'OriginShieldZoneCode' => 'FR',
        'EnableTLS1' => true,
        'EnableTLS1_1' => true,
        'CacheErrorResponses' => false,
        'VerifyOriginSSL' => false,
        'LogForwardingEnabled' => false,
        'LogForwardingHostname' => null,
        'LogForwardingPort' => 0,
        'LogForwardingToken' => null,
        'LogForwardingProtocol' => 0,
        'LoggingSaveToStorage' => false,
        'LoggingStorageZoneId' => 0,
        'FollowRedirects' => false,
        'ConnectionLimitPerIPCount' => 0,
        'RequestLimit' => 0,
        'LimitRateAfter' => 0,
        'LimitRatePerSecond' => 0,
        'BurstSize' => 0,
        'WAFEnabled' => false,
        'WAFDisabledRuleGroups' => [],
        'WAFDisabledRules' => [],
        'WAFEnableRequestHeaderLogging' => false,
        'WAFRequestHeaderIgnores' => [],
        'ErrorPageEnableCustomCode' => false,
        'ErrorPageCustomCode' => null,
        'ErrorPageEnableStatuspageWidget' => false,
        'ErrorPageStatuspageCode' => null,
        'ErrorPageWhitelabel' => false,
        'OptimizerEnabled' => false,
        'OptimizerDesktopMaxWidth' => 1600,
        'OptimizerMobileMaxWidth' => 800,
        'OptimizerImageQuality' => 85,
        'OptimizerMobileImageQuality' => 70,
        'OptimizerEnableWebP' => true,
        'OptimizerEnableManipulationEngine' => true,
        'OptimizerMinifyCSS' => true,
        'OptimizerMinifyJavaScript' => true,
        'OptimizerWatermarkEnabled' => true,
        'OptimizerWatermarkUrl' => '',
        'OptimizerWatermarkPosition' => 0,
        'OptimizerWatermarkOffset' => 3,
        'OptimizerWatermarkMinImageSize' => 300,
        'OptimizerAutomaticOptimizationEnabled' => true,
        'OptimizerClasses' => [],
        'OptimizerForceClasses' => false,
        'Type' => 0,
        'OriginRetries' => 0,
        'OriginConnectTimeout' => 10,
        'OriginResponseTimeout' => 60,
        'UseStaleWhileUpdating' => false,
        'UseStaleWhileOffline' => false,
        'OriginRetry5XXResponses' => false,
        'OriginRetryConnectionTimeout' => true,
        'OriginRetryResponseTimeout' => true,
        'OriginRetryDelay' => 0,
        'DnsOriginPort' => 0,
        'DnsOriginScheme' => '',
        'QueryStringVaryParameters' => [],
        'OriginShieldEnableConcurrencyLimit' => false,
        'OriginShieldMaxConcurrentRequests' => 5000,
        'EnableCookieVary' => false,
        'CookieVaryParameters' => [],
        'EnableSafeHop' => false,
        'OriginShieldQueueMaxWaitTime' => 30,
        'UseBackgroundUpdate' => false,
        'OriginShieldMaxQueuedRequests' => 5000,
        'UseBackgroundUpdate' => true,
        'EnableAutoSSL' => false,
        'LogAnonymizationType' => 0,
        'StorageZoneId' => 0,
        'EdgeScriptId' => 0,
        'OriginType' => 0,
        'MagicContainersAppId' => '',
        'LogFormat' => 0,
        'LogForwardingFormat' => 0,
        'ShieldDDosProtectionType' => 1,
        'ShieldDDosProtectionEnabled' => false,
        'OriginHostHeader' => '',
        'EnableSmartCache' => false,
        'EnableRequestCoalescing' => false,
        'RequestCoalescingTimeout' => 30,
        'DisableLetsEncrypt' => false,
        'EnableBunnyImageAi' => false,
        'BunnyAiImageBlueprints' => [],
        'PreloadingScreenEnabled' => false,
        'PreloadingScreenCode' => '',
        'PreloadingScreenLogoUrl' => null,
        'PreloadingScreenTheme' => 0,
        'PreloadingScreenCodeEnabled' => false,
        'PreloadingScreenDelay' => 700,
        'RoutingFilters' => [],


  • The key Type has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Premium
    • 1 = Volume
  • The key OriginType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = OriginUrl
    • 1 = DnsAccelerate
    • 2 = StorageZone
    • 3 = LoadBalancer
    • 4 = EdgeScript
    • 5 = MagicContainers
    • 6 = PushZone
  • The key LogFormat has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Plain
    • 1 = JSON
  • The key LogForwardingFormat has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Plain
    • 1 = JSON
  • The key ShieldDDosProtectionType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = DetectOnly
    • 1 = ActiveStandard
    • 2 = ActiveAggressive
  • The key LogAnonymizationType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Remove one octet
    • 1 = Drop IP
  • The key LogForwardingProtocol has the following possible values:
    • 0 = UDP
    • 1 = TCP
    • 2 = TCPEncrypted
    • 3 = DataDog
  • The key OptimizerWatermarkPosition has the following possible values:
    • 0 = BottomLeft
    • 1 = BottomRight
    • 2 = TopLeft
    • 4 = Center
    • 5 = CenterStretch
  • The keys CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride and CacheControlBrowserMaxAgeOverride accept any values in seconds. The UI will show the value Match Server Cache Expiration but the value updated through the API will be honored.
  • The key OriginShieldZoneCode accepts the 2-digit code FR (France, Paris) or IL (Illinois, Chicago).
  • The WAF related settings are not implemented yet. This feature is currently being worked on and does not have an ETA. It is advised not to update these values until the feature is implemented, therefore these options are removed from the example above.

Delete Pull Zone

    id: 1,

Add Edge Rule

    pullZoneId: 1,
    body: [
        'ActionType' => 4,
        'ActionParameter1' => '',
        'ActionParameter2' => '',
        'Triggers' => [
                'Type' => 0,
                'PatternMatches' => [
                'PatternMatchingType' => 0,
                'Parameter1' => '',
        'TriggerMatchingType' => 0,
        'Description' => '',
        'Enabled' => true


  • The key ActionType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Force SSL
    • 1 = Redirect To URL
    • 2 = Change Origin URL
    • 3 = Override Cache Time
    • 4 = Block Request
    • 5 = Set Response header
    • 6 = Set Request Header
    • 7 = Force Download
    • 8 = Disable Token Authentication
    • 9 = Enable Token Authentication
    • 10 = Override Cache Time Public
    • 11 = Ignore Query String (Cache Vary)
    • 12 = Disable Bunny Optimizer
    • 13 = Force Compression
    • 14 = Set Status Code
    • 15 = Bypass Perma-Cache
    • 16 = Override Browser Cache Time
    • 17 = Origin Storage
    • 18 = Set Network Rate Limit
    • 19 = Set Connection Limit
    • 20 = Set Requests Per Second Limit
  • The key Type in a Trigger object has the following possible values:
    • 0 = URL
    • 1 = Request Header
    • 2 = Response Header
    • 3 = File/URL Extension
    • 4 = Country Code (2 letter)
    • 5 = Remote IP
    • 6 = Query String
    • 7 = Random Chance (%)
    • 8 = Status Code
    • 9 = Request method
    • 10 = Cookie Value
    • 11 = Country State Code
  • The key TriggerMatchingType has the following possible values:
    • 0 = Match Any
    • 1 = Match All
    • 2 = Match None

Update Edge Rule

    pullZoneId: 1,
    body: [
        'Guid' => 'c71d9594-3bc6-4639-9896-ba3e96217587',
        'Triggers' => [
                'Type' => 7,
                'PatternMatches' => ['75']


  • The keys Guid and Triggers in the body are required parameters when updating an edge rule.

Set Edge Rule Enabled

    pullZoneId: 1,
    edgeRuleId: 'c71d9594-3bc6-4639-9896-ba3e96217587',
    body: [
        'Id' => 1,
        'Value' => true,


  • The key Id in the body denotes the pull zone ID (the same as the first argument) and is (for some reason) a required parameter.

Delete Edge Rule

    pullZoneId: 1,
    edgeRuleId: 'c71d9594-3bc6-4639-9896-ba3e96217587',

Set Zone Security Enabled

    Id: 1,
    Value: true


  • This endpoint corresponds to toggling the Enable Token Authentication switch in the Token Authentication > Security section of your pull zone.


  • This endpoint is currently not documented in the API specifications.

Set Zone Security Include Hash Remote IP Enabled

    Id: 1,
    Value: true


  • This endpoint corresponds to toggling the Token IP Validation switch in the Token Authentication > Security section of your pull zone.


  • This endpoint is currently not documented in the API specifications.

Get Origin Shield Queue Statistics

    pullZoneId: 1,
    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',
        'hourly' => false,

Get SafeHop Statistics

    pullZoneId: 1,
    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',
        'hourly' => false,

Get Optimizer Statistics

    pullZoneId: 1,
    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',
        'hourly' => false,

Get WAF Statistics

    pullZoneId: 1,
    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',
        'hourly' => false,


  • This endpoint is currently not documented in the API specifications.

Load Free Certificate

    query: [
        'hostname' => '',

Purge Cache (by tag)

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'CacheTag' => 'mytag-region-*',

Check Pull Zone Availability

    body: [
        'Name' => 'test',

Add Certificate

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '',
        'Certificate' => 'LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk5ldmVyIGdvbm5hIGdpdmUgeW91IHVwLgotLS0tLUVORCBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0t',


  • The keys Certificate and CertificateKey require the file contents to be sent as base64 encoded strings.

Remove Certificate

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '',

Add Custom Hostname

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '',

Remove Custom Hostname

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '',

Set Force SSL

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '',
        'ForceSSL' => true,

Reset Token Key

    id: 1,

Add Allowed Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '*,*',


  • The key Hostname allows multiple values through comma separated values.

Remove Allowed Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '*',


  • The key Hostname does not allow multiple values.

Add Blocked Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '*',


  • The key Hostname does not allow multiple values.

Remove Blocked Referer

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'Hostname' => '*',

Add Blocked IP

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'BlockedIp' => '12.345.67.89',

Remove Blocked IP

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'BlockedIp' => '12.345.67.89',


Purge URL

    query: [
        'url' => '*',
        'async' => false,

Purge URL (by header)

    query: [
        'url' => '*',
        'headerName' => '',
        'headerValue' => '',
        'async' => false,
    query: [
        'search' => 'bunny',
        'from' => 0,
        'size' => 20,


  • It is unclear from the current API specifications what you can actually search for with this endpoint.


Get Statistics (traffic, cache hit & bandwidth)

    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',
        'pullZone' => -1,
        'serverZoneId' => -1,
        'loadErrors' => false,
        'hourly' => false,

Storage Zone

List Storage Zones

    query: [
        'page' => 0,
        'perPage' => 1000,
        'search' => 'bunny',
        'includeDeleted' => 1000,


  • The key search is currently not functional.

Add Storage Zone

    body: [
        'OriginUrl' => '',
        'Name' => 'Test',
        'Region' => 'DE',
        'ReplicationRegions' => '',
        'ZoneTier' => 0,


  • The key OriginUrl allows you to specify a backup data source, in case the file does not exist on the Storage Zone. So for example, you would request /image.png. Assuming image.png doesn't exist on the storage zone, the system will try to proxy and fetch it from the OriginUrl instead. You can omit it unless needed.
  • The key ZoneTier has the following possible values (undocumented):
    • 0 = Standard = HDD
    • 1 = Edge = SSD
  • The key Region has the following possible values:
    • DE = Falkenstein / Frankfurt (Germany) | HDD + SSD
    • UK = London (United Kingdom) | HDD
    • SE = Norway (Stockholm) | HDD
    • NY = New York (United States) | HDD
    • LA = Los Angeles (United States) | HDD
    • SG = Singapore (Singapore) | HDD
    • SYD = Sydney (Oceania) | HDD
    • BR = Sao Paolo (Brazil) | HDD
    • JH = Johannesburg (Africa) | HDD
  • The key ReplicationRegions has the following possible values:
    • DE = Frankfurt (Germany) | SSD
    • UK = London (United Kingdom) | HDD + SSD
    • SE = Norway (Stockholm) | HDD + SSD
    • CZ = Prague (Czech Republic) | SSD
    • ES = Madrid (Spain) | SSD
    • NY = New York (United States East) | HDD + SSD
    • LA = Los Angeles (United States West) | HDD + SSD
    • WA = Seattle (United States West) | SSD
    • MI = Miami (United States East) | SSD
    • SG = Singapore (Singapore) | HDD + SSD
    • HK = Hong Kong (SAR of China) | SSD
    • JP = Tokyo (Japan) | SSD
    • SYD = Sydney (Oceania) | HDD + SSD
    • BR = Sao Paolo (Brazil) | HDD + SSD
    • JH = Johannesburg (Africa) | HDD + SSD

Check Storage Zone Availability

    body: [
        'Name' => 'Test',

Get Storage Zone

    id: 1,

Get Storage Zone

    id: 1,

Update Storage Zone

    id: 1,
    body: [
        'ReplicationZones' => '',
        'OriginUrl' => '',
        'Custom404FilePath' => 'my-custom-404.html',
        'Rewrite404To200' => false,


  • The key OriginUrl allows you to specify a backup data source, in case the file does not exist on the Storage Zone. So for example, you would request /image.png. Assuming image.png doesn't exist on the storage zone, the system will try to proxy and fetch it from the OriginUrl instead. You can omit it unless needed.
  • The key ReplicationZones has the following possible values:
    • DE = Frankfurt (Germany) | SSD
    • UK = London (United Kingdom) | HDD + SSD
    • SE = Norway (Stockholm) | HDD + SSD
    • CZ = Prague (Czech Republic) | SSD
    • ES = Madrid (Spain) | SSD
    • NY = New York (United States East) | HDD + SSD
    • LA = Los Angeles (United States West) | HDD + SSD
    • WA = Seattle (United States West) | SSD
    • MI = Miami (United States East) | SSD
    • SG = Singapore (Singapore) | HDD + SSD
    • HK = Hong Kong (SAR of China) | SSD
    • JP = Tokyo (Japan) | SSD
    • SYD = Sydney (Oceania) | HDD + SSD
    • BR = Sao Paolo (Brazil) | HDD + SSD
    • JH = Johannesburg (Africa) | HDD + SSD

Delete Storage Zone

    id: 1,

Get Storage Zone Statistics

    id: 1,
    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',

Get Storage Zone Connections

    id: 1,

Reset Password

    id: 1,

Reset Read-Only Password

    query: [
        'id' => 1,


Get Home Feed


Get User Details


Update User Details

    body: [
        'FirstName' => 'John',
        'Email' => '',
        'BillingEmail' => '',
        'LastName' => 'Doe',
        'StreetAddress' => '1985 Robinson Court',
        'City' => 'Windom',
        'ZipCode' => '75492',
        'Country' => 'US',
        'CompanyName' => '',
        'VATNumber' => '',
        'ReceiveNotificationEmails' => true,
        'ReceivePromotionalEmails' => false,
        'Password' => '1234Abcd',
        'OldPassword' => 'Abcd1234',

Resend Email Confirmation


Reset API Key


List Close Account Reasons


Close Account

    body: [
        'Password' => 'Abcd1234',
        'Reason' => 'No longer needed.',

Get DPA Details


Accept DPA


Get DPA Details (HTML)


List Notifications


Set Notifications Opened


Get Marketing Details


Get What's New Items


Reset What's New


Generate 2FA Verification


Disable 2FA

    body: [
        'Password' => 'LoremIpsumDolor',

Enable 2FA

    body: [
        'SecretValidator' => '',
        'Secret' => '',
        'TestPin' => '123456',

Verify 2FA Code

    body: [
        'SecretValidator' => '',
        'Secret' => '',
        'TestPin' => '123456',
