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Edge Storage API

Edge Storage is a cloud storage solution provided by that automatically replicates your data to multiple regions around the world. It integrates tightly with the CDN and was designed to be the fastest performing global storage solution thanks to smart geographical load balancing.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ToshY\BunnyNet\Client\BunnyClient;
use ToshY\BunnyNet\EdgeStorageAPI;
use ToshY\BunnyNet\Enum\Region;

// Create a BunnyClient using any HTTP client implementing "Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface".
$bunnyClient = new BunnyClient(
    client: new \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client(),

// Provide the "(Read-Only) Password" available at the "FTP & API Access" section of your specific storage zone.
$edgeStorageApi = new EdgeStorageAPI(
    apiKey: '6bf3d93a-5078-4d65-a437-501c44576fe6',
    client: $bunnyClient,
    region: Region::FS,


  • The argument region has the following possible values:
    • Region::DE = Falkenstein / Frankfurt (Germany)
    • Region::UK = London (United Kingdom)
    • Region::NY = New York (United States East)
    • Region::LA = Los Angeles (United States West)
    • Region::SG = Singapore (Singapore)
    • Region::SYD = Sydney (Oceania)
    • Region::BR = Sao Paolo (Brazil)
    • Region::JH = Johannesburg (Africa)
  • The Region is a backed enum, so you can supply a value to the Region::from or Region::tryFrom method to retrieve the corresponding case.


Manage Files

Download File

// Root directory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    fileName: 'bunny.jpg',

// Subdirectory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    fileName: 'custom.css',
    path: 'css',

Download Zip

// Root directory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    body: [
        'RootPath' => '/my-storage-zone-1/',
        'Paths' => [

// Subdirectory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    body: [
        'RootPath' => '/my-storage-zone-1/',
        'Paths' => [


  • Make sure your RootPath and Paths contain leading and trailing slashes.
    • If you omit the slashes in RootPath this will result in a 400 status code.
    • If you omit the slashes in Paths this will result in a 200 status code with an empty ZIP file.


  • This endpoint (with method POST) is currently not documented in the API specifications.
  • This request may fail or timeout if the requested directory has too many files or is too big.

Upload File

 * File contents read into string from the local filesystem.
$content = file_get_contents('./local-bunny.jpg');

 * File contents handle from a `$filesystem` (e.g. Flysystem FtpAdapter).
$content = $filesystem->readStream('./remote-custom.css');

// Root directory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    fileName: 'remote-bunny.jpg',
    body: $content,

// Subdirectory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    fileName: 'remote-custom.css',
    body: $content,
    path: 'css',

// Subdirectory with additional SHA256 checksum header.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    fileName: 'remote-custom.css',
    body: $content,
    path: 'css',
    headers: [
        'Checksum' => '253852201067799F637D8BB144F32D7AAEEF3182BEAA61168E0AA87DBE336D7C',


  • While a hash value in hexidecimal string representation is case insensitive, the value for the Checksum header must be in uppercase characters to ensure a successful upload.

Delete File

// Root directory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    fileName: 'bunny.jpg',

// Subdirectory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    fileName: 'custom.css',
    path: 'css',

Browse Files

List Files

// Root directory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',

// Subdirectory.
    storageZoneName: 'my-storage-zone-1',
    path: 'css',
