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Image Processing

Bunny Optimizer is a real-time on the fly image manipulation and optimization service that automatically optimizes your images for faster image delivery, bandwidth savings and enables smart dynamic image manipulation using a simple query API.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ToshY\BunnyNet\ImageProcessor;

$imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor();


Generate URL with optimization parameters.

    url: '',
    optimization: [
        'width' => 200,
        'height' => 300,
        'aspect_ratio' => '16:9',
        'quality' => 85,
        'sharpen' => false,
        'blur' => 0,
        'crop' => '50,50',
        'crop_gravity' => 'center',
        'flip' => false,
        'flop' => false,
        'brightness' => 0,
        'saturation' => 0,
        'hue' => 0,
        'contrast' => 0,
        'sepia' => 0,
        'auto_optimize' => 'medium',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class',


  • The quality argument determines the compression level of the resulting image with 0 being the lowest level of compression and 100 being the highest. Higher compression means smaller files, but might visually degrade the image (e.g. JPEG compression under 70 tends to produce visible artefacts). The quality argument is ignored if the requested output image format is lossless (e.g. PNG).
  • The crop argument crops the output image to the given width and height. Two formats are accepted. Format 1 one only includes the width and height of the crop: width,height. Format 2 also includes the X and Y position of where the crop should start: width,height,x,y. Image resizing with the width and height parameters is processed after the crop and the resized measurements. If only width and height are given, the Crop Gravity parameter will be used.
