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Stream API

Bunny Stream was designed for developers to easily upload, process, and display videos in any type of use-case.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ToshY\BunnyNet\Client\BunnyClient;
use ToshY\BunnyNet\StreamAPI;

$bunnyClient = new BunnyClient(
    client: new \Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client()

// Provide the specific video library API key.
$streamApi = new StreamAPI(
    apiKey: '710d5fb6-d923-43d6-87f8-ea65c09e76dc',
    client: $bunnyClient


Manage Collections

Get Collection

    libraryId: 1,
    collectionId: '97f20caa-649b-4302-9f6e-1d286e0da144',
    query: [
        'includeThumbnails' => true,


  • If the query parameter includeThumbnails is set to true, the response item(s) will include a non-empty array key previewImageUrls containing the URLs for the corresponding image thumbnails.

Update Collection

    libraryId: 1,
    collectionId: '97f20caa-649b-4302-9f6e-1d286e0da144',
    body: [
        'name' => 'Bunny Hopping Collection V2',

Delete Collection

    libraryId: 1,
    collectionId: '97f20caa-649b-4302-9f6e-1d286e0da144',

List Collections

    libraryId: 1,
    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'perPage' => 100,
        'search' => 'bunny',
        'orderBy' => 'date',
        'includeThumbnails' => true,


  • If the query parameter includeThumbnails is set to true, the response item(s) will include a non-empty array key previewImageUrls containing the URLs for the corresponding image thumbnails.

Create Collection

    libraryId: 1,
    body: [
        'name' => 'Bunny Collection',

Manage Videos

Get Video

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',

Update Video

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    body: [
        'title' => 'Bunny Hoppers',
        'collectionId' => '97f20caa-649b-4302-9f6e-1d286e0da144',
        'chapters' => [
                'title' => 'Chapter 1',
                'start' => 0,
                'end' => 300,
                'title' => 'Chapter 2',
                'start' => 301,
                'end' => 500,
        'moments' => [
                'label' => 'Awesome Scene 1',
                'timestamp' => 70,
                'label' => 'Awesome Scene 2',
                'timestamp' => 120,
        'metaTags' => [
                'property' => 'description',
                'value' => 'My Video Description',
                'property' => 'robots',
                'value' => 'noindex,nofollow',

Delete Video

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',

Create Video

    libraryId: 1,
    body: [
        'title' => 'Bunny Hoppers',
        'collectionId' => '97f20caa-649b-4302-9f6e-1d286e0da144',


  • The title does not need to match the video filename and/or extension you're intending to upload.
  • A collectionId is not required.
  • The response returns the video's GUID, which is required for video upload (see Upload Video).

Upload Video

 * File contents read into string from the local filesystem.
$content = file_get_contents('./bunny-hop.mp4');

 * File contents handle from a `$filesystem` (Flysystem FtpAdapter).
$content = $filesystem->readStream('./bunny-hop.mp4');

// Upload video.
    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    body: $content,
    query: [
        'enabledResolutions' => '240p,360p,480p,720p,1080p,1440p,2160p',

Get Video Heatmap

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',


  • This endpoint currently returns a 500 status code with the following response:
    Internal Server Error
    A support ticket has been created at regarding this issue.

Get Video Play Data

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    query: [
        'token' => 'ead85f9a-578b-42b7-985f-9a578b12b776',
        'expires' => 3600,

Get Video Statistics

    libraryId: 1,
    query: [
        'dateFrom' => 'm-d-Y',
        'dateTo' => 'm-d-Y',
        'hourly' => false,
        'videoGuid' => 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',

Re-encode Video

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',

Add output codec to video

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    outputCodecId: 2,


  • The argument outputCodecId has the following possible values:
    • 0 = x264
    • 1 = vp9 (premium)
    • 2 = hevc (premium)
    • 3 = av1 (premium)


This endpoint will return a 400 status code if premium encoding is not enabled (even if the outputCodecId value 0 is given).

Repackage Video

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    query: [
        'keepOriginalFiles' => true,


  • This method allows repackaging of videos for libraries that have Enterprise DRM enabled.

List Videos

    libraryId: 1,
    query: [
        'page' => 1,
        'itemsPerPage' => 100,
        'search' => 'bunny',
        'collection' => '97f20caa-649b-4302-9f6e-1d286e0da144',
        'orderBy' => 'date',

Set Thumbnail

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    query: [
        'thumbnailUrl' => '',

Set Thumbnail (by body)

 * File contents read into string from the local filesystem.
$content = file_get_contents('./thumbnail.jpg');

 * File contents handle from a `$filesystem` (Flysystem FtpAdapter).
$content = $filesystem->readStream('./thumbnail.jpg');

// Set video thumbnail by body contents.
    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    body: $content,
    headers: [
        'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg',


  • This method allows for uploading a thumbnail based on body contents.


  • Adding a thumbnail by uploading body contents is not documented in the official API specification for the Set Thumbnail endpoint.

Fetch Video

    libraryId: 1,
    body: [
        'url' => '',
        'headers' => [
            'newKey' => 'New Value',
            'newKey-1' => 'New Value 1',
            'newKey-2' => 'New Value 2',
    query: [
        'collectionId' => '97f20caa-649b-4302-9f6e-1d286e0da144',

Add Caption

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    sourceLanguage: 'ja',
    body: [
        'srclang' => 'ja',
        'label' => 'Subtitles (Japanese)',
        'captionsFile' => 'MQowMDowMDowMCwwMDAgLS0+IDAwOjAxOjAwLDAwMApOZXZlciBnb25uYSBnaXZlIHlvdSB1cC4K',


Delete Caption

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    sourceLanguage: 'ja',



  • If a caption was created with a specific ISO standard for the sourceLanguage, then you have to delete it with the same standard. Example: a caption created with sourceLanguage ISO 639-1 can only be deleted by sending a request with sourceLanguage ISO 639-1.
  • This endpoint will always return a 200 status code, even if the subtitle with specificied sourceLanguage does not exist.


  • If you (regularly) update captions make sure to purge the captions directory associated with the video. If it's not purged you might notice outdated subtitles displayed on the video. You can get the URL for the captions directory by using the Get Video Play Data endpoint.

Transcribe Video

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    query: [
        'language' => 'fi',
        'force' => true,


Video resolutions info

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',

Cleanup unconfigured resolutions

    libraryId: 1,
    videoId: 'e7e9b99a-ea2a-434a-b200-f6615e7b6abd',
    query: [
        'resolutionsToDelete' => '240p,360p',
        'deleteNonConfiguredResolutions' => false,
        'deleteOriginal' => false,
        'deleteMp4Files' => false,
        'dryRun' => false,


  • The key resolutionsToDelete consists of comma separated resolutions.


Use the Video Resolutions Info endpoint to retrieve the resolutions for the video.


This endpoint will return a 400 status code if all available resolutions for the video are passed to resolutionsToDelete, as there must be at least one resolution available after cleanup.

Get OEmbed

    query: [
        'url' => '',
        'maxWidth' => 1280,
        'maxHeight' => 720,
        'token' => 'ead85f9a-578b-42b7-985f-9a578b12b776',
        'expires' => 3600,


  • The url is a required query parameter.
