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Token Authentication

Bunny CDN provides a powerful token authentication system to strictly control who, where and for how long can access your content.



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use ToshY\BunnyNet\TokenAuthentication;

// Provide the API key for the specific pull zone you want to use, available at the "Security > Token Authentication > Url Token Authentication Key" section.
$tokenAuthentication = new TokenAuthentication(
    token: '5509f27d-9103-4de6-8370-8bd68db859c9',
    hostname: '',


Sign a URL.

// File in root directory.
    file: '/bunny.jpg',
    expirationTime: 3600,
    userIp: null,
    isDirectoryToken: false,
    pathAllowed: null,
    countriesAllowed: null,
    countriesBlocked: null,
    referrersAllowed: null,
    speedLimit: null,
    allowSubnet: true

// File in subdirectory.
    file: '/css/custom.css',

// Change expiration time.
    file: '/css/custom.css',
    expirationTime: 10,

// With IPv4 and not allowing associated subnet.
    file: '/css/custom.css',
    userIp: '12.345.67.89',
    allowSubnet: false

// With directory token enabled and path specified for video streaming.
    file: '/videos/cute-bunnies/playlist.m3u8',
    userIp: '12.345.67.89',
    isDirectoryToken: true,
    pathAllowed: '/videos/cute-bunnies',

// Allow or block certain countries, e.g. allow "US" and block "RU".
    file: '/videos/cute-bunnies/playlist.m3u8',
    userIp: '12.345.67.89',
    isDirectoryToken: true,
    pathAllowed: '/videos/cute-bunnies',
    countriesAllowed: 'US',
    countriesBlocked: 'RU',

// Allow from specific referrer.
    file: '/videos/cute-bunnies/playlist.m3u8',
    userIp: '12.345.67.89',
    isDirectoryToken: true,
    pathAllowed: '/videos/cute-bunnies',
    referrersAllowed: '',

// Limit the download speed limit to 5 Mb/s.
    file: '/videos/cute-bunnies/playlist.m3u8',
    userIp: '12.345.67.89',
    isDirectoryToken: true,
    pathAllowed: '/videos/cute-bunnies',
    speedLimit: 5120,


  • The argument expirationTime denotes the time in seconds the resource is available after signing.
  • The argument speedLimit denotes the download speed limit (in kB/s) for the resource.
  • Token IP validation only supports IPv4.
  • In order to reduce the false negatives (and increase privacy) for Token IP validation, the default is to allow the full /24 subnet. As an example, a token signed for a user with IPv4 12.345.67.89 will allow 12.345.67.0/24 to access the resource.
  • The arguments countriesAllowed, countriesBlocked and referrersAllowed accept comma separated input. This means you could allow or block multiple countries like so: US,DE,JP. Same goes for the allowed referers:,
  • An edge case occurs when you add a blocked country to the Traffic Manager, and allow that same country for token authentication. This will result in a standard "Unable to connect" page. According to support "The reason for that would be is due to the fact that the Traffic manager doesn't resolve the DNS from that country and in turn, we start returning queries towards the hostnames in use instead of the standard CDN routing. The traffic essentially doesn't even touch our servers in such a case."


  • The example using speedLimit for token authentication is currently not working as expected, as it returns a 403 status code. A support ticket has been created at regarding this issue.
